The Study of Languagevon George YuleEnglisch, 333 Seiten, Mai 2014, Cambridge University Pr., Taschenbuch, ISBN 1107658179, EAN 9781107658172BeschreibungThis bestselling textbook provides an engaging and user-friendly introduction to the study of language. Assuming no prior knowledge of the subject, Yule presents information in bite-sized sections, clearly explaining the major concepts in linguistics - from how children learn language to why men and women speak differently, through all the key elements of language. This fifth edition has been revised and updated with new figures and tables, additional topics, and numerous new examples using languages from across the world. To increase student engagement and to foster problem-solving and critical thinking skills, the book includes thirty new tasks. An expanded and revised online study guide provides students with further resources, including answers and tutorials for all tasks, while encouraging lively and proactive learning. This is the most fundamental and e
Headway 3. Academic Skills. Listen / Speak Class CDSeptember 2011, Oxford University ELT, Audio CD, Hörbuch, ISBN 0194741923, EAN 9780194741927BeschreibungHeadway Academic Skills can be used independently, or alongside a general English coursebook such as New Headway or New Headway Plus. Designed for students moving on to academic studies or for those on a foundation programme, the series focuses on improving students' academic skills by: -Developing the specific skills required for academic studies through a wide range of topics relevant to higher education.-Exploring strategies to help students with new vocabulary, and to record, vary, and build their vocabulary.-Offering guidance in undertaking research, and in acknowledging sources.-Providing plenty of guided practice as well as freer practice to encourage learner independence.
Bücher >> Hörbücher
EAN: 9780194741927
Headway 2. Academic Skills. Listen / Speak Class CDJuli 2011, Oxford University ELT, Audio CD, Hörbuch, ISBN 0194741915, EAN 9780194741910BeschreibungHeadway Academic Skills can be used independently, or alongside a general English coursebook such as New Headway or New Headway Plus. Designed for students moving on to academic studies or for those on a foundation programme, the series focuses on improving students' academic skills by: -Developing the specific skills required for academic studies through a wide range of topics relevant to higher education.-Exploring strategies to help students with new vocabulary, and to record, vary, and build their vocabulary.-Offering guidance in undertaking research, and in acknowledging sources.-Providing plenty of guided practice as well as freer practice to encourage learner independence.
Bücher >> Hörbücher
EAN: 9780194741910
ISBN: 0194741915