The Cisco VG 224 (Figure 1) is a Cisco IOS Software-based high-density 24-port gateway for analog phones, fax machines, modems, and speakerphones within an enterprise voice system based on Cisco Unified CallManager.
HMI (Human Machine Interface) bezeichnet die Stelle der Handlung, bei der ein Mensch mit einer Maschine in Kontakt tritt. Das einfachste Beispiel ist das Drücken einer Taste wie z. B. einer Ruftaste. Neu im Behnke Portfolio sind großflächige Ruftasten, die es erlauben die Türstation auf einfachste Art intuitiv zu bedienen. Zudem können die Tasten mit haptischen Symbolen versehen und die Funktionsmodule graviert werden. Auch hier ist eine Beschriftung mit Brailleschrift möglich. Die Tasten las sen sich problemlos in jede Behnke Türstation oder Standsäule einbauen. _Leistungsmerkmale: - Eine Ruftaste (mittig) + Beleuchtungsring - Piktogramm -Tür auf- - Farbe rot / gelb - 90 x 90 mm (H x B) - Material: Aluminium
1 deltaförmiger Aufsatz, 2 deltaförmige Microfaser-Pads, Zur Verwendung mit dem Handdampfgerät, Zur Reingung von Fliesen, Glas, Keramik, Kunsstoff u.v.m., Für FSMH1621, FSS1600 - Das Delta-Set ist eine praktische Ergänzung für die Reinigungsarbeiten mit dem Black & Decker Handdampfgerät. Top-Feature: Es sorgt für schnelle und einfache Reinigung von Wand- und Arbeitsflächen verschiedenster Materialien - überall dort wo Flächen mit dem Handdampfgerät unter Einsatz von heißem Dampf chemikalienfrei von Bakterien und Keimen gesäubert werden sollen. Weitere Vorteile: Original Black & Decker Zubehör Der Delta-Aufsatz wir einfach mittels Klickverschluß direkt an der Düse des Handdampfgerätes oder dem Zubehhörschlauch montiert. 2 Stk. hochwertige Microfaser-Pads in Deltaform sorgen für schnelle, streifenfreie Reinigungsergebnisse. Machinenwaschbar bei 60° C, mit Leicht-Gleit-Funktion, Klett-Fix-Halterung zur Reingung von Fliesen, Glasflächen, Keramik, Kunststoff, Küchenarbeitsplatten, Ceranfelder, Naturstein, Eigensch
2 Reinigungs-Pads für Delta-Aufsatz, Hochwertige Microfaser-Qualität, Klett-Fix Halterung, Machinenwaschbar bei 60° C, Für FSM1630, FSMH1621, FSS1600 - 2 Stück Microfaser-Delta Pads für Black & Decker Dampfbesen und Handdampfgerät Top-Feature: machinenwaschbar bei 60° C Klett-Fix Halterung Hochwertige Microfaser-Qualität Weitere Vorteile: Original Black & Decker Zubehör Eigenschaften und Funktionen: Zubehör passend für: - Dampfbesen FSMH1621 Dampfbesen FSM1630 Handdampfgerät FSS1600 Delta-Aufsatz FSMHDA Technische Daten: Lieferumfang: 2 Pads Verpackungsmaße H/B/T (cm): 2,7 x 15 x 22 Gewicht (kg): 0,90 kg Weiteres Zubehör: auch für Delta-Aufsatz FSMHDA
A glorious picture book that celebrates diversity, inclusivity and the importance of making friends rather than enemiesReds love being red. Yellows love being yellow. And Blues love being blue. The problem is that they just don´t like each other. But one day, along comes a different colour who likes Reds, Yellows and Blues, and suddenly everything starts to change. Maybe being different doesn´t mean you can´t be friends ...A very special picture book that supports the adage that there is more that unites us than divides us. Along Came a Different just goes to show how much better we can all be when we come together to find common ground as friends. Every bookshelf should have a copy.Tom McLaughlin has illustrated several books for Bloomsbury, including The Story Machine, which has received wonderfully positive reviews and has sparked a number of thought-provoking articles on dyslexia (which Tom understands well, being dyslexic himself). Tom loves drinking tea, eating lunch and drawing (in no particular order)
These excellent experiments will have kids making a bottle submarine, crafting a smartphone boombox and more!Learn to make a bottle submarine, a smartphone boombox, a weather vane and more with this brilliant book of simple projects to do at home using everyday materials! Illustrated throughout and with step-by-step instructions, this book makes science fun and is a must for young engineers!IntroKey equipmentPaper PillarsNewton´s CradleThe Simple CircuitCrafty CatapultTower of TrianglesHi-tech HandThe Paper LoudspeakerGeodesic DomeJumping MarblesHome-made NightlightEngineer´s ArmThe Bouncing BridgeWeather VaneMagnetic SpinnerDouble Cup FlyerMarble Roller CoasterClothesline FlyerElectric SpinnerPaper PopperRobot ArtistThe Bottle RocketThe Marble MazeSupersonic StrawThe Dancing RobotThe Bottle SubmarineThe Hanging ArchElastic Band BoatThe Electric LightshowBalloon RacerThe Trembling TowerThe Bottle BlasterThe Big DipperThe Wave MachineSmartphone BoomboxThe Simple MachinesGlossaryIndexBeattie, RobRob Beattie is
Featuring paper planes and lots more, Flight School is the ultimate papercrafts and model-making activity book for kids who are fascinated by aviation.Created by author, cartoonist and entertainer Mike Barfield, Flight School is the ultimate model making activity book for kids who are avid about aviation.Featuring paper planes and lots more, Flight School is the ultimate papercrafts and model-making activity book for kids who are fascinated by aviation.From an Archaeopteryx to a kingfisher and the Wright brothers´ flying machine to an air-powered rocket, this book is packed with exciting models of gliding plants, animals and aircraft that readers can make and take to the skies. Amazing facts about flight and human aviation accompany each project, so kids can learn all about the science and history behind their models as they construct them. This incredible cut-out kit guarantees hours of flying fun.Barfield, MikeMike Barfield is a writer, poet, performer, songwriter, ukulele player and cartoonist. He has writ
Couldn´t get enough of Love, Simon or The Gentleman´s Guide to Vice and Virtue?This is the (slightly NSFW) book for you!´Jack of Hearts might be the most important queer novel of the decade´ Gay Times´Jack of Hearts won my heart´ Courtney Act´This book is filth´ Julian Clary---------------´My first time getting it in the butt was kind of weird. I think it´s going to be weird for everyone´s first time, though.´Meet Jack Rothman. He´s seventeen and loves partying, makeup and boys - sometimes all at the same time.His sex life makes him the hot topic for the high school gossip machine. But who cares? Like Jack always says, ´it could be worse´.He doesn´t actually expect that to come true.But after Jack starts writing an online sex advice column, the mysterious love letters he´s been getting take a turn for the creepy.Jack´s secret admirer knows everything: where he´s hanging out, who he´s sleeping with, who his mum is dating. They claim they love Jack, but not hisunashamedly queer lifestyle. They want him to curb
In a faraway corner of a ruined world, a mysterious boy is building a flying machine. Birds help him, and so does a beautiful, brilliant, half-human engineer called Fever Crumb. But powerful enemies stalk them - either to possess their revolutionary invention, or to destroy the secrets of flight forever. Award-winning writer Philip Reeve creates an extraordinary new landscape.
Explore and discover how science, technology, engineering, and maths shape the world around us with 25 hands-on experiments for curious kids.From racing wind-up cars and building a sturdy sandcastle to creating a wave machine and making music with a homemade guitar, Science Lab is packed with 25 exciting STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Maths) activities. Why do rafts float? How do bridges stay upright? How do seals stay warm? And how can you make a ball levitate? Each activity in the book uncovers core STEM ideas to help young readers discover the answers to these fascinating questions for themselves.Simple, easy-to-follow, photographic steps guide young readers through each experiment, along with essential tips and engaging STEM facts. ´´Test and tweak´´ boxes encourage readers to take their projects to the next level, while ´´Real world´´ stories show how STEM ideas make up our modern, everyday world.Perfect for firing up kids´ imaginations, for homework help and for rainy day projects, Science