...weiter zum Shop Sehr geehrter Kunde, Sie verlassen nun unseren Preisvergleich und werden in wenigen Sekunden zum Shop weitergeleitet. Für die dort angebotenen Produkte und Dienstleistungen wird keine Haftung übernommen. Falls Sie nicht weitergeleitet werden, bitte > hier < klicken! Buch - Excellent Engineering These excellent experiments will have kids making a bottle submarine, crafting a smartphone boombox and more!Learn to make a bottle submarine, a smartphone boombox, a weather vane and more with this brilliant book of simple projects to do at home using everyday materials! Illustrated throughout and with step-by-step instructions, this book makes science fun and is a must for young engineers!IntroKey equipmentPaper PillarsNewton´s CradleThe Simple CircuitCrafty CatapultTower of TrianglesHi-tech HandThe Paper LoudspeakerGeodesic DomeJumping MarblesHome-made NightlightEngineer´s ArmThe Bouncing BridgeWeather VaneMagnetic SpinnerDouble Cup FlyerMarble Roller CoasterClothesline FlyerElectric SpinnerPaper PopperRobot ArtistThe Bottle RocketThe Marble MazeSupersonic StrawThe Dancing RobotThe Bottle SubmarineThe Hanging ArchElastic Band BoatThe Electric LightshowBalloon RacerThe Trembling TowerThe Bottle BlasterThe Big DipperThe Wave MachineSmartphone BoomboxThe Simple MachinesGlossaryIndexBeattie, RobRob Beattie is Vielen Dank |